Consulting Services

ConservationStrategy® develops comprehensive, common-sense funding strategies for foundations and institutional and individual donors to meet environmental challenges. For example, we assembled a team to work with the Wege Foundation and other foundations in convening a summit of environmental leaders concerned with the Great Lakes and in developing a "Healing Our Waters" restoration agenda. We then worked with interested groups to launch a Great Lakes Coalition with a $5 million, five-year grant from the Wege Foundation. Similarly, we worked with the Chesapeake Bay Funders Network in launching and funding the Choose Clean Water Coalition of Chesapeake Bay advocacy organizations.

ConservationStrategy also helps foundations and other donors assess and improve the effectiveness of their grantees. In addition to assessing organizational health, the team will work with senior management to develop a strategic plan - with appropriate detailed operating components and specific benchmarks - to resolve identified organizational weaknesses. The plan may include a progress assessment phase to evaluate success in achieving project goals.

ConservationStrategy assembles a custom team for each project, comprised of associated consultants with senior-level experience in government agencies, not-for-profit organizations and successful businesses.For more information on ConservationStrategy's consulting services, please send an email to "mvp at conservationstrategy dot com".